Australian Stayman

Australian Stayman (AS) is a variation on the Standard American Stayman convention that is more efficient and can convey more information in one response bid. The AS responder, in this case the opener, must alert the responses since they differ in meaning from Standard American Stayman.

OK, opener bids 1N, responder bids 2C, then opener rebids:

(Min range, 11-13(weak))

2DHave 4 cards in both majors and min range
2HHave 4H only and min range
2SHave 4S only and min range
2NTDo not have either major and have min range

(Max range, 13(strong)-15)

3CDo not have either major and have max range
3DHave 4 cards in both majors and max range
3HHave 4H only and max range
3SHave 4S only and max range

A reminder: If opener has 13 HCP, the middle of the NT range, opener chooses to regard the 13 HCP as strong if opener has some 10s and 9s, otherwise the 13 HCP are weak.