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Lesson 5 – LD Precision Club Bidding System


Weak 2 bids : 2H, 2S – 6-10 HCP, 6+ cards in suit, 2/5 top honors

Strong response: 2NT – Asking for max range and side A/K

Weak 3 of Minor: 3C, 3D – 6-10 HCP, 7+ cards in suit

Response of 3NT – Pass with side entry, rebid minor without side entry

Weak 3 of Major: 3H, 3S - <6 HCP, 7+ cards in suit

2NT open: 22-24 HCP, balanced hand. Standard conventions apply

1C open: 16+ HCP, any distribution Responses:

1D: <8 HCP
1H. 8-11 HCP, force to 3N+
1S-2H : 12+ HCP, 5+ suit, force to game
2S: 12+ HCP, 4441 distribution, force to game
3X : <8 HCP, 7+ suit

Responses after overcall:

Pass : <8 HCP
Double : 8-11 HCP, force to 3N+
Other : 12+ HCP, 5+ suit, force to game

Opener rebids over 1D response:

1N : 16-18 HCP, balanced
2N : 19-21 HCP, balanced
3N : 25+ HCP, balanced
1H-2D: 16-19 HCP, 5+ suit (4 card suit for 1H,1S if 4441 distribution)
2H-3D: 20+ HCP, 5+ suit

Opener rebids over 1H or Double response:

1N : 16-18 HCP, balanced
2N : 19-21 HCP, balanced
3N : 25+ HCP, balanced
1S-2H: 16-19 HCP, 5+ suit
2S : 16+ HCP, 4441 distribution

Natural bidding follows

1NT Revisited

Australian Stayman

1NT – 2C - ?
	11-13 HCP
		2D : Both majors
		2H: 4H only
		2S: 4S only
		2N: No major
	13-15 HCP
		3C: No major
		3D: Both majors
		3H: 4H only
		3S: 4S only


Meckwell Escapes

1NT – (Double) - ?
	Redouble : 10+ HCP
	Pass : 5+ minor or 4/4 majors, request opener to rebid 2C , will correct
	2C : 4C + 4 of higher ranking suit
	2D : 4D + 4 of higher ranking suit
	2H : 5+H
	2S : 5+S
1NT – (P) – P – (Double) – P – (P) - ?
	Redouble : 5+ minor or 4/4 majors, request opener to rebid 2C , will correct
	Other : Same as above


Responses after overcall at 2 level:

1NT – (2C) - ?

Double : “Stolen bid”, Australian Stayman
Other bids : System on

1NT – (2D) - ?

Double: “Stolen bid”, transfer to H
Other bids : System on

1NT – (2H) - ?

Double: “Stolen bid”, transfer to S
Other bids : System on

1NT – (2S) - ?

Double: “Stolen bid”, Minor Suit Stayman
Other bids : System on

Responses after overcall at 3 level:

Systems off, natural bidding


lesson5notes.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/04 22:33 by ldrews